Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Drivers beware!

Turn signals I've learned throughout my driving "career" are seemingly quite the enigma. At least they must be because so many seem to have no clue how to use them, unless people are just passively rebelling against this safety mechanism.

It seems some drivers will come to almost a complete stop in the roadway and you think "hmmm, there must be a gaggle of geese crossing the road that I cannot see or a small child is playing jacks in the road. But, no, they just decided not to use one of the most important pieces of equipment on their motor vehicle.

If you'll bear with me I'll share a few more examples of this bad habit:

One of the most irritating of habits to me is the person who vears into the turn lane and THEN decides to flip his or her signal as they sit in the TURN lane. REALLY? I had no idea you were going to turn. Why waste the light bulb life if that is how you are going to use it.

Then there is the person who changes lanes without a turn signal on the freeway. Or they flip the signal but all you get is one blink which could be a trick of the eye or a break light.

The ever popular (I've been guilty a couple times due to blasting music in my car) having the blinker on for miles and miles and miles is good for a laugh. It's especially bad when they've had it on and then they turn the other direction and yet it stays on because they don't use their blinker.

Finally, there is the person who uses the turn signal but doesn't ease into the center turn lane or does but only partially. Just so you know, your whole car will fit. And for those who ease into the turn lane all to easily, the turn lane is not an extra traffic lane for a driver to fly down for 1/2 a mile. It's a lane to assist with turning into a parking lot or onto a street without causing the flow of traffic on the street to stop. This can be very dangerous if someone else needs to turn in the opposite direction or in the same direction, a rear or head on collision could be caused.

Now, with this recap, lets be careful out there!!!!