Saturday, December 22, 2012

One is the loneliest number

Singleness is a gift from God - Shut your face!!  If you ever say those six words to me again, I'm going to punch you in the face.  Then you can say my fist was a gift from God, since He made it.  How would that be?  You might as well punch me when you says those words.  That's not how God works.  We are born, we grow up and yes I believe He does have a plan for each one of us, but sometimes life just doesn't work out how you hoped or you get stuck with baggage you never intended or people have free will and choose and you're not their choice.  Now, I can make choices that fill my life up and give of my time as God's servant.  But to not fall in love and experience that deep love and bond with someone is missing one God's greatest gifts.  I listen to so many women complain about their husbands.  Why are you married then?  Why did you choose this person to spend the rest of your life with if you are not grateful for having them every day?   You have someone to come home to.  Someone that knows you better than anyone else.  You have dates for national holidays.  You have a date for weddings!  There is someone to vent to when you are upset.  You have a person who can drop you at the door at a store and make errands go so much faster.  You automatically have a second rider for a roller coaster.  You have someone to use all the buy one, get one free coupons with.  This world is built around couples.  And Christmas time is the worst to endure by yourself.   I've always prayed for a best friend I could spend life with, travel with, enjoy and talk with, explore and grow spiritually together.   May God answer my prayer.  So, you'll excuse me if I don't accept my "gift" with open arms.

The Land of Loss and Grief

The land of loss and grief is an arid and lonely land.  You stay parched emotionally despite the words of comfort and loving touch you receive.  You travel the dry land searching for some sign of hope that will make every thing better or turn back the hands of time.  We pray for this miracle so we can do or say or be more than we were when the calendar reflected a time when that one in our lives was still present. When they were next to us, a fellow soldier in this crazy life.  Along the journey in this dessert you do see mirages, they lift your spirits temporarily until you realize they aren't real and nothing's changed in the scenery.  Grief runs the emotional spectrum.  It gives you a peek into a spiritual chasm that one minute you want to jump in to and the next moment you want to run away from.  I believe it can make you a better person or it can make you to be a person you don't even want  to look at in the mirror.  But, it's our choice which person we choose to become...