Sunday, May 17, 2009

Doesn't that warp??

Ok, I live in a townhome and my garage door has always sounded awful and over the past year or so it's gotten worse and it shakes and thuds and now won't go up or down half the time. It's crazy. So while I'm in the process of trying to save my garage door, my father tells me this door is made of compressed wood. Then I find this certificate adhered to the bottom of the door. It says in so many words that there is a one year limited warranty and this door is made of "compressed wood". I don't know, maybe I'm loopy, but it seems to me that you really wouldn't want something made of compressed wood that would be subject to the "elements" or any type of moisture. Can we say cheap? Wow!! I can hear practically every garage door in my neighborhood go up and down. When was the last time you saw a compressed wood privacy fence??? You haven't!! Because compressed wood subject to the weather is ridiculous! All for companies to save a buck...

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