Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Are You on Life Support

Even though this expression has a negative connotation, shouldn't we all be on life support? Not physically but emotionally and spiritually? No doubt about it, we must definitely depend on our Father in heaven, but we also are in dire need of the support from our brothers and sisters in Christ. Spiritual siblings, whose hands are willing to hold us and hearts willing to love us and help us carry our burdens. We should not derive our significance and security from our family and friends, but their encouragement is irreplaceable.

Encouragement from others is like experiencing an emotional face lift. It's a jumpstart for the heart! It's the gift of courage and it doesn't cost anything for us to give and the rewards we reap are priceless. Building each other up is so important, because the way we treat each other has a domino effect on all those around us. And if we all focused on having servant hearts and hands, we would be one step closer to having the Lords Kingdom on earth.

We were not put on this earth to go it alone or endeavor for selfish desires alone. If one were to analogize and those that know me well, know I love a good analogy, here's how one might describe a person with no "life support". If a car does not have any gas, it goes nowhere. You might be able to tow it, role it or push it down a hill, but eventually it will stop going forward without the energy source it so desperately needs. I believe that's what encouragement is for humans. We may get towed along by lifes current or pushed down by rough times or drug along by the pressures of life, but we will not go very far without love in action on our behalf. We all know how expensive gas has become, but yet I don't believe one can even put a price on encouragement or love in action toward others.

Price of a gallon of gas $2.50
Price of the car we are riding in $15,000
The ones that are in the car with us, choosing to join us on the ride through lifes journey...PRICELESS

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