Saturday, January 3, 2009


The new year is upon us. I am so glad for a new beginning. It's always nice to have a fresh start or at least feel like you do. I love getting a new calendar for the next year and writing everyones birthday on it and seeing all the "blank" days. There is something really fun about that. Not sure if others feel the same way. Several years ago I started a year end process that I do every year. I sit down and make a list of goals for the year, mostly for the year, short term goals so I can see progress I make. Then a few long term goals to keep in mind. Since I've started doing this I have met more goals than ever before. There is something that takes place when you commit an idea/dream to paper. It's a really neat feeling at the end of that year and you can see the progress that you've made or the things you've completed or overcome. I challenge you to do the same. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


Anonymous said...

good idea, i need a bigger calander now.

Anonymous said...

good idea, i need a bigger calander now.

Anonymous said...
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